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Showing posts from May, 2015

The Incubation Experiment

After a trip to see old friends in the old world, a Hungarian wedding, and an adventure due to tornadoes in Texas, I'm thrilled to be back in our life here in sunny New Mexico. If you've noticed our Instagram has been all chicks lately, in April we watched our first little Renegade Chicks break out into the world!  This was a totally new experience for Cameron & I, we rescued a rooster "Paddie" back in February with the intention of incubating soon after. Americauna (rescued) Rooster- "Paddie" We got around to it when Molly came to visit and we made a trip to Dan's Boots & Saddles to get 5 day-old chicks and an incubator.  We quickly plugged it in and placed 30 eggs inside.  Looking back we didn't even think to clean off the eggs, and learned after the fact that the bacteria from the little bit of chicken poo on the outside of some of the eggs can traverse the shell and compromise the growing cell.  Now that seems obvious, but