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Showing posts from January, 2015

Keeping the grind alive

The Grind. After getting used to such an intense weekly grind its hard to rest.  Its hard to not work, not find something to do when for the last 6 months the 'to-do' list has seemed endless. So it's winter - my first winter in New Mexico - if you can call this winter...I got snowed in and stayed in my pajamas for days last winter in Detroit, where it's generally accepted that hell is a cold place.  Here it's warm thanks to that Southwestern sun and the car is as toasty as the house on a clear day. But the sun only hangs out for so long, not as much work can be done outside - this effects our 'grind'. We both work full time jobs too...well Cameron does, he's the finest butcher I've ever seen (and by fine I mean fine ).  I was a vegetarian before I met him.  Maybe its the slightest scent of blood that has stuck to him over the years, but he makes me crave the protein and vitality only grass-fed beef gives the body (a craving I haven't felt